Consumers’ interest is no longer limited in time or place to brick-and-mortar retail. New trends and fashionable ideas want to be discovered, experienced and purchased – all the time and everywhere. While nothing compares to the product experience and fitting in the traditional retail setting, acceptance of online style advice, influencers and eShopping is increasing. Customers want to combine and use all these opportunities based on their own wishes. The challenges that this trend presents can be successfully overcome with intelligent digitalisation and high-performing, individually tailored tools – the perfect application for GEBIT STANDIVIDUAL SOLUTIONS.

- Brick-and-mortar and online sales
- Promotional and campaign systems
- Referral and advice apps
- Mobile style advice
- Delivery service
- Individual solutions
- Trend spotting
- Integrating electronic article surveillance
- Connecting to exit gates
- High system reliability

- Merchandise management
- Purchasing
- Financial accounting
- Planning systems
- Sales systems on the sales floor